Wednesday, April 22, 2009

from the eye of Buvy

okay i have not blog for sometime now and i been so busy and hooked up with things that i did not really bother to take the initiative to blog...things have not been turning out well eversince my last blog after the nuffnang...happenings in my life made me realize certain things and also add on to my life database of people charaters and their it family, friend or foe all have their own set of mind and characters. 
i grew up being thought to be humble and nice and today i practice it but i realize doing so has actually ended me in a bigger dilemma in life. my biggest mistake is to be who i am and what i am,  i am so lost that i have no idea what to do. one thing i know is true friend stand by you at times of need and those who dont well i have nothing to say. 
we give as much as we can but then we cant force people into anything..people make mistake some are not mistake but it is seen as one...some are done intentionally and some unintentionaly...i have done mistakes i do not deny some i can bravely say it is not mistakes as i am merely human and i aint a saint..if i was a saint i wont be here blogging but instead being worshipped....
i just wanna say i am sorry if i have caused hurt or misunderstanding and thank you for being there in my life once....take good care of yourself and may the future be bright...
i realize i have to go in search of my self and for my inner peace.....while i am doing so if i am crude or rude or someone you dont know i am sorry before hand....
