Okie the begining started of and i was trying to figureout what was actually happening then i realize that is movie so going to be not up to what i actually expected to be truthful i think it is waste of money and time to be watched in the theater. there is nothing to it the plot is all hanging the story did not have any proper sequence i nearly doozed out at one point..
i am trying to figure out when ginny and harry got to gether and whats with the shoe lace tieing that is so unromantic and wtf try to be abit more imaginative than that...as for the spider how how did aragog die...gosh so many fault in the movie if u ask me i would say dont waste ur time watching it read the book and let your imagination do draw the images you probably enjoy that more than the movie itself..so peeps if ur gona watch harry potter 6 in the theater think again ...chiozzz