A sister i use to have someone i loved and still love alot..Its going to be two months since you have left and i feel completely lost. I still believe your around just that you have gone somewhere i would never be able to reach you. It has been hard trying to live with the fact that your not around that i have decided to not think at all. Cheche(sister) you are one wonderful person i have met. Noone can ever replace you. I am gifted to have you as a sister. Never does a day go by without me remembering the memories we had together. Memories that i would never ever erase and memories that will remain in me till the day i pass on and meet you in the other world. Your one person who made me feel important and gave me courage to do what i want, you always taught me to stand up for myself and not to be stepped all over. I remember the time when i was sick and you were there for me despite you being sick and suffering in pain. You gave countless amount of love that i do not know how to repay it to you. I was and always am proud to have you as a sister. To list down the memories i have had with you it will take me a whole year and more then a page to write it all down. All i want to say it that i love you alot and i miss you alot day by day. I just cant believe that you have left for good and never to come back. I am missing the smile, the way you sat tsk tsk, and the way you say alot of other things. Shareen cheche I love you and i miss you alot. Someday i am sure we will meet again and i am counting the days. Till then i would do my duty here in this world and as i promise i would be here for the babies through thick or thin. Take care cheche hope you're happy where ever you are now. Send my regards to all there to. We shall unite agin one day.
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